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Green Belt Multifunctionality Research Papers Kirby et al

11 Oct 2024

As part of a NERC ONE PLanet  PhD studentship I supervised Matt Kirby has published some important papers on Green Belt multifunctionality which challenges the often simplistic and polarised debate over green belt in the UK.  I was pleased to support Matt in his endeavours wiht the support of Jason Luger (Northumbria) and Claire Walsh (Newcastle).

I have put all the papers together in one place as they form part of a whole. 

Kirby M.G and Zawadzka, J and Scott AJ (2024) Ecosystem service multifunctionality and trade-offs in English Green Belt peri-urban planning, Ecosystem Services 67, 101620

Kirby, M.G., Scott, A.J. and Walsh, C.L.  (2023) Translating policy to place: exploring cultural ecosystem services in areas of Green Belt through participatory mapping, Ecosystems and People, 19:1

Kirby M and Scott AJ (2023) Multifunctional Green Belts: A planning policy assessment of Green Belts wider functions in England, Land Use Policy, 132 106799

Kirby, M; Scott AJ, Luger, J. & Walsh (2023) Beyond growth management: A review of the wider functions & effects of urban growth management policies, Landscape & Urban Planning 230 104635



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