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What does good green and blue infrastructure policy look like A comparative assessment of UK national planning guidance

11 Oct 2024

What does good green and blue infrastructure policy look like: Acomparative assessment of UK national planning guidance


This paper evaluates the potential of a Green Infrastructure Policy Assessment Tool (GIPAT) by assessing nationalplanning guidance across all four devolved UK nations. National planning guidance is a key material considerationto the formulation and implementation of green infrastructure (GI) policies in statutory development plansand decision-making. Hitherto, there has been a lack of holistic assessments of GI policy in spatial planning withmost attention on specific developments. GIPAT was informed by three GI initiatives; - Building with Nature,Central Scotland Green Network and Mainstreaming GI, supported by a global academic literature to address keymultifunctional and mainstreaming components within 26 assessment criteria. The tool assessed, with justification,how well national guidance met the assessment criteria, together with the strength of policy wording. Theresults reveal a significant weakness in policy wording across all countries highlighting GI vulnerability. In termsof coverage, biodiversity and ecological networks generally score well but there are deficiencies in stewardship,blue infrastructure and mainstreaming demanding greater policy attention. There are important implications fordevelopment plan policy(ies) highlighting the need for greater integration of grey, blue and GI and improvedmainstreaming as illuminated through exemplar policies. We recommend the use of Green Blue Infrastructure(GBI) to address the blue deficiency. The paper concludes with a discussion about GIPAT’s wider transferabilityand the need for greater research into how policies are translated into development plans and decision-making


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