Key questions underpinning this fellowship:
1. What does good green infrastructure actually look like in planning policy and decision-making processes?
2. How can we translate existing NERC and other research science associated with GI cumulatively into additional pathways to impact to address key policy and practice challenges and opportunities?
3. How can we demonstrate and evaluate the added value of GI in planning policies and interventions?
4. How can we change/influence behaviour(s) of key actors in the planning arena regarding their valuation and use of GI in policy making and practice?
My role as a NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellow
As a knowledge exchange fellow I see my role as a catalyst integrating multiple planning policy and practice viewpoints across key stakeholders who use/shape the planning system.
These participants will co-produce the project's outputs within a managed process that is developmental, pragmatic and peer reviewed; delivering a suite of guidance, tools and resources that mainstream GI in policy and decision making thereby embracing the government’s economic growth and quality of life agendas.
The Project
Green Infrastructure (GI) has emerged as a multifunctional planning concept with potential to address urban planning challenges as "natural" assets. There is an weighty academic and policy literature in support of this.
However, to date GI potential has not been effectively mainstreamed into planning policy, practice and decision-making processes due to a lack of evidence quantifying its claimed multiple benefits; a lack of suitable delivery mechanisms and declining local authority resources due to budgetary cuts.
Latest Blog
Changing the nature of government rhetoric and policy about nature
Changing the nature of government rhetoric and policy about nature
Mainstreaming nature into policy and practice follow on project
Mainstreaming nature into policy and practice follow on project
Latest Outputs
Delivering successful mainstreaming of nature at the science policy interface
Delivering successful mainstreaming of nature at the science-policy interface
Improving strategic planning for nature Panacea or pandoras box for the built and natural environment
Improving strategic planning for nature: Panacea or pandora’s box for the built and natural environment?
Professor Alister Scott

Alister is a geographer, chartered planner (MRTPI) and “pracademic” who works at disciplinary and professional boundaries and edges in dealing with interdisciplinary problems. His career has encompassed both policy and academic positions. He has just started a NERC knowledge exchange fellow post on mainstreaming green infrastructure. At Northumbria University he provides leadership to a multidisciplinary research theme on Bioeconomy with particular interest in realising the value(s) of nature.