13 Sep 2018

Mainstreaming green infrastructure in policy and decision making: unlocking the potential of the planning system

Special issue : Guest Editor Prof Alister Scott 

The Town and Country Planning Association's landmark journal Town and Country Planning is published monthly and provides a synthesis of thought provoking debate and astute analysis with feature articles written by expert practitioners, decision makers and academics. This current call for papers is for a special issue on mainstreaming green infrastructure in the planning system of 2000-2500 words. Contributions are desired from academics, policy and practice to share their experiences, lessons and solutions.  

Anybody with an interest should set out a 200 word proposal following the guidelines below.  The proposal should be a word skeleton outlining your paper and how it meets the criteria below

The key criteria for acceptance are

1. That the paper is looking at a key aspect(s) of the planning and development process and the way that GI is/isnt integrated within it.

2. That the paper is critical and reflective highlighting the lessons learnt from the experience rather than feature on an exemplar alone.

3. That the paper does explicitly consider the concept of mainstreaming moving beyond its use and application in the environmental sector.

4. A strict word limit of 2500 words is applied.

Papers can be research based, personal experience or reflective and it is important to stress that contributions are wanted that cover academia, policy and practice perspectives.

The deadline for proposals is 28th September 2018. 

Successful proposals will be confirmed in the first week of October with a final draft deadline of 10th December 2018.  The special issue will be in January or February 2019. 


All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.

Friends, this is a very commendable effort.  I will not be submitting a proposal but you may find some interest in my papers "Planning for Green Infrastructure", "Implementing a Plan for Green Infrastructure" and "“Integrating Natural Resources into Your Development Project, Public and Private Sector Roles”.  They are part of the fifth edition of my free e-book, “Readings in Urban Planning and Design”, with 60 papers and over 250 illustrations, available via readingsinurbanplanninganddesign.blogspot.com/

By: "Pete" Pointner FAICP, ALA, ITE at: 13 Sep 2018, 08:46:23