03 Jul 2019

Climate Emergency: So What?

Many governments,  local authorities and agencies have declared a climate emergency; in all by the end of June 2019,  some  135 million people have been affected.  Indeed,  the UK has become the first country in the world to declare a climate emergency. 

This positive worldwide action begs fundamental questions about what this declaration means and whether it will lead to new responses and interventions in policies, plans, projects and programmes and then how such an emergency will inform key planning and resource management decisions. The context to this is important as whilst many people are concerned about climate change,  there is a reluctance to pay more to take action against it. This reinforces a wider view that  the environment  imposes a constraint on development or economic growth and thus becomes politically volatile with voters as France recently discovered under President Macron  climate change levies.

Read the full blog here  pdf_icon_white.png


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