08 Apr 2020
We are living in the strangest of times and the most unsettling of times at present. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced most of us back to our homes for work, rest and play apart from essential workers with a short list of specified activities that allow us to venture out. One of those is for daily exercise and given recent media photographs of overcrowded parks and riversides, this puts attention on the supply and demand of functional greenspaces in our pressurized urban areas and perhaps demands a rethink in the way we design and manage such places now and for the future
All Posts
Changing the nature of government rhetoric and policy about nature
Mainstreaming nature into policy and practice follow on project
Ensuring nature is mainstreamed into planning policy
Six lessons to change the climate of climate change narratives
Build Build Build is a recipe for planning disintegration
Greenspace is critical urban infrastructure not an optional extra
New PhD Opportunity through ONE planet on Green Infrastructure
Reflections on NPPG for the Natural Environment.
Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure in the Planning System
Making the Green Belt more productive
Should Britain build on its green belt?
NPPF2 as Viewed Through an Environmental Lens
Hopes for the New National Planning Policy Framework 2018
What Kind of National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) do we Need
Working across boundaries and professions to deliver transformational change:
Too Many Green Infrastructure Tools spoil the delivery
Understanding impact pathways for planners and the planning system: An English perspective
Can we be Smarter with Green Infrastructure Research
PERFECT Timing for a Green Infrastructure Project
Here’s hoping to be a “jolly good” NERC Green Infrastructure fellow
All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.