Workstream: Final conference March 31st
Key Resources to support conference
Mainstreaming nature using green infrastructure final conference ALL TALKS AVAILABLE AS VIDEO
Workstream: Improving policy processes and outcomes for GI
Building with Nature Chair of Standards Board 2018-2022
Green Infrastructure Partnership Evaluation
Green Infrastructure Planning Policy Assessment Tool
Improving Multifunctionality of Green Belts
Introducing the Nature Assessment Tool for Urban and Rural Environments NATURE
Introducing The Environmental Benefits from Nature Tool
Strategic Planning Research Project: Improving Strategic Planning for Nature Conservation
Workstream: Key Research on Green Infrastructure: what is the science telling us?
EU Projects on Green Infrastructure
NERC projects and programmes relevant to Green Infrastructure
Other Academic Research on Green Infrastructure
Other Research Council UK projects on Green Infrastructure
Workstream: Policy and Practice on Green Infrastructure: What are the key lessons emerging?
Capturing Green Infrastructure Policy and Practice
Workstream: Understanding our growing environmental vocabulary & how green infrastructure fits in
Introducing The Environmental Benefits from Nature Tool
I was pleased to be part of the development team led by Alison Smith of Oxford University thatdeveloped and tested Natural Englands Environmental Benefits from Nature tool.
The Environmental Benefits from Nature tool is designed to work alongside Biodiversity metric 3.0 and provide developers, planners and other interested parties with a means of enabling wider benefits for people and nature from biodiversity net gain. The tool uses a habitat-based approach to provide a common and consistent means of considering the direct impact of land use change across 18 ecosystem service services.
It has been developed by Natural England and the University of Oxford in partnership with Defra, the Forestry Commission and the Environment Agency to support Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan commitment to expand net gain approaches to include wider Natural Capital benefits such as flood protection, recreation and improved water and air quality.
Downloads available
EBN Tool Beta V1.0, XLSB, 2.8 MB 2021/07/15
EBN Principles, PDF, 1.4 MB 2021/07/07
EBN User Guide, PDF, 1.2 MB 2021/07/07
EBN Data Catalogue, PDF, 3.3 MB 2021/07/07