Workstream: Final conference March 31st
Key Resources to support conference
Mainstreaming nature using green infrastructure final conference ALL TALKS AVAILABLE AS VIDEO
Workstream: Improving policy processes and outcomes for GI
Building with Nature Chair of Standards Board 2018-2022
Green Infrastructure Partnership Evaluation
Green Infrastructure Planning Policy Assessment Tool
Improving Multifunctionality of Green Belts
Introducing the Nature Assessment Tool for Urban and Rural Environments NATURE
Introducing The Environmental Benefits from Nature Tool
Strategic Planning Research Project: Improving Strategic Planning for Nature Conservation
Workstream: Key Research on Green Infrastructure: what is the science telling us?
EU Projects on Green Infrastructure
NERC projects and programmes relevant to Green Infrastructure
Other Academic Research on Green Infrastructure
Other Research Council UK projects on Green Infrastructure
Workstream: Policy and Practice on Green Infrastructure: What are the key lessons emerging?
Capturing Green Infrastructure Policy and Practice
Workstream: Understanding our growing environmental vocabulary & how green infrastructure fits in
Capturing Green Infrastructure Policy and Practice
This work stream captures policy and practice on green infrasrtructure that can help provide a core evidence base to this research. WS1 and WS2 thus provide the evidence to support the other workstreams in this fellowship. It is important to state that I am not seeking to duplicate what is already out there; rather I will piggy back on to it to translate it to help address the 4 challenges that lie at the heart of this research. If you have evidence that you think is applicable and useful (both from positions of success or failure) then please respond to the call for evidence
A good starting point is the Green Infrastructure Library developed by Dr Ingo Schüder of Brillianto. It is a unique database of documents, case-studies, videos, tools and other information about Green Infrastructure and its benefits and is free to use.
Danniel Sinnet et al of UWE produced a review: Green Infrastructure research into practice to help identify policy and practice gaps for future research investment.
However one core finding has been the amount of pratice based research. Here is a selection of key work
Mersey Forest GVal GI-Val is The Mersey Forest's green infrastructure valuation toolkit which is open source and can be downloaded.
Vivid Economics Vivid economics have odne al ot of research work on measuring natural capital values in partnership with universities.
URBAN GREEN SPACE VALUATION TOOLKIT quantifying the benefits created by urban green spaces Vivid Economics, Barton Willmore and Exeter University are developing an innovative and easy-to-use toolkit which will calculate location-specific economic values of the health, social and environmental benefits of urban green infrastructure. The project has been awarded funding by Innovate UK, the government agency supporting businesses to realise the potential of new technologies and commercial ideas.