Impact Case Study REF2021 - 04 08 `23
Government Consultations
National Planning Policy Framework 2024 Consultation Response Alister Scott - 11 10 `24
Planning for the future DRAFT Response - 11 08 `20
Professional & Practice Publications
A planning policy assessment method for New Zealand based on ecosystem services - 04 08 `23
Essex Green Infrastructure Standards Technical Guidance - 04 08 `23
Improving Strategic Planning for Nature Conservation - 04 08 `23
Green Blue Infrastructure Impacts on Health and Wellbeing A Rapid Evidence Assessment - 04 08 `23
Essex GI Standards Consultation Report - 22 02 `22
Building with Nature Standards Framework - 22 02 `22
Sheffield GIPPAT Assessment - 17 02 `22
Maldon LDP GIPPAT Assessment - 17 02 `22
GI Policies in Central Scotland; assessment - 14 02 `22
Delivering Better Water Management Through the Planning System - 14 02 `22
Assessment of the NPPF - 14 02 `22
Good Practice Example Policies - 14 02 `22
Assessment Criteria for GIPPAT - 14 02 `22
Embedding Nature Based Solutions in Strategic Spatial Planning - 16 12 `21
EU PERFECT Expert paper What goes good green infrastructure policy look like - 24 09 `20
Climate Emergency Planning Policy and Practice Perspectives - 15 11 `19
what does good GI policy look like - 08 03 `19
Homing in on health in the built environment - 20 02 `19
What kind of health metrics do we need to plan healthy places - 15 11 `18
Evaluating the NPPF through a green infrastructure lens - 15 11 `18
Making the Green Belt more productive - 15 08 `18
Planning for Climate Change - 15 08 `18
Consultation Responses
Submission to Raynsford Review - 15 02 `22
Response to the Consultation on the Defra Net Gain Proposals - 14 03 `19
FINAL Consultation response to NPPF2 - 08 05 `18
Adapting to Change using Blue-Green Infrastructure - 17 02 `22
Healthy City Design Workshop - 17 02 `22
Strategic Planning for Nature Conservation workshop January 2020 - 12 08 `20
What health metrics do we need to better value green spaces? - 27 07 `18
Academic and Practitioner surveys on green infrastructure priorities and challenges - 17 05 `18
Green Infrastructure Challenges, Flip Chart Results and Commentary - 31 10 `17
Planning More Effective Delivery for Climate Change - 16 02 `22
Mainstreaming Nature Using GI - 16 02 `22
Mainstreaming GI Principles in Local Policy - 16 02 `22
Mainstreaming the Ecosystems Approach - 16 02 `22
Green Infrastructure Wales - 16 02 `22
Making Better Policies for Green Infrastructure Webinar presentation to EKN - 27 03 `19
What kind of health metrics do we need to plan healthy places - 25 09 `18
Mainstreaming GI: Talk given to Green Infrastructure Partnership Sounding Board - 17 05 `18
Planning for environmental change : talk given to RTPI hot topics in Planning 2018 - 17 05 `18
Valuing Nature Network presentation - 21 10 `17
Initial assessment of NERC research impact pathways for green infrastructure practice - 21 10 `17
Academic Papers
Green Belt Multifunctionality Research Papers Kirby et al - 11 10 `24
Improving Multifunctionality of Green Belts - 22 04 `24
Guerrilla gardening and green activism - 17 02 `22
Places of urban disorder? - 17 02 `22
A Place-Based Approach to Payments for Ecosystems Services - 16 02 `22
Mainstreaming the Environment in Policy and Decision Making - 09 08 `19
Mainstreaming Ecosystem Science in Spatial Planning - 06 11 `17
Policy Papers
Green Blue Infrastructure Impacts on Health and Wellbeing A Rapid Evidence Assessment - 22 04 `24
A planning assessment method for New Zealand based on ecosystem services - 09 03 `21
Strategic Planning Research Paper: Improving Strategic Planning for Nature Conservation - 09 03 `21
A Green Infrastructure proofed NPPF - 02 03 `18
Knowledge Exchange outputs
Delivering successful mainstreaming of nature at the science policy interface - 27 11 `24
Is build build build really the best way forward for the English planning system? - 23 02 `22
Should Britain build on its green spaces to solve the housing crisis? - 17 02 `22
Tightening our green belts - 07 10 `19
Making Better Policies and Plans for Green Infrastructure: A Self Assessment Tool - 05 10 `18
Impact pathways for English planning DRAFT briefing note - 17 05 `18
Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning - 17 02 `22
Mainstreaming nature into marine spatial planning - 09 05 `19
Valuing Nature Network presentation
21 Oct 2017
I was pleased to be contributing to the Annual Valuing Nature Network conference session 19th October 2017 concerning business challenges led by Guy Duke. Our brief was to provoke discussion so my talk should be viewd in that context. My role was to challenge both researchers and businesses alike to work more effectively to mainstream nautre into policy and decisions. At present we run the risk of preaching to the converted rather than engaging with those audiences who have yet to understand or accept the valuing nature arguments. Yet these are the key audiences who develop policies and implement decisions that affect how nature is used and valued. Here the planning system is a neglected component with a wide range of existing tools that can help deliver and enhance natural capital outcomes but are bypassed in the never ending development of new tools and models as demanded by the way research grants are judged and assessed.
My talk below builds on the "mind the gap" argument and to me this is key as there is a huge gap between the type of research that is being done with the types of policy and decisions that are being made on the ground and the wider needs of those working in nature. Who is joining these needs up?
All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.