Chaper 16 Case studies of blue green infrastructure in spatial planning ICE Manual of Blue Green Infrastructure 2023
04 Aug 2023
Case studies of blue-greeninfrastructure in spatial planning
Alister Scott (Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University), Elana Bader(NatureScot) and Nicola Dempsey (Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Sheffield)
This chapter Case studies of blue-greeninfrastructure in spatial planning presents an in-depth exploration of three case studies involving theuse and application of blue-green infrastructure (BGI) in the English and Scottishplanning systems. Each case study reflects a different scale of project and differentstages in the policy and planning cycles. The case studies feature a local plandevelopment in the South Downs National Park, an integrated landscape-scaleblue infrastructure masterplan project in Glasgow and a highway city-centreimprovement plan in Sheffield. Each case study demystifies the role and benefitsof BGI through a critical discussion identifying the common ingredients of goodBGI. Some of these ingredients include inter- and transdisciplinary collaborationand engagement championing co-design and coproduction; strong and effectiveleadership within cross-sector partnerships with an appetite for innovation and risktaking.The results demonstrate the need for improved processes of engagementwith relevant delivery partners from the outset, accounting for varying needs andpriorities. While barriers identified include the need to better embed BGI in thebusiness case and to move away from seeing BGI maintenance as a liability, overallthe case studies challenge conventional wisdom that environment planning is adevelopment constraint; instead, it is seen as an appreciating multifunctional asset,supporting regeneration and development.
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