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Green Infrastructure and the National Planning Policy Framework 2 How do we value trees & other green infrastructure in the urban environment?

20 Sep 2018

How do we value trees & other green infrastructure in the urban environment?

I was pleased to part of the excellent workshop session aranged by Emma Ferranti on valuing Trees and GI at University of Birmngham on 19th September.  My talk evaluating the new NPPF in terms of GI provision and poliicy wording is below in the agenda


10:30Coffee and arrivals

10:50Welcome from Chair, Michael Barker, RTPI West Midlands

11:00Opening presentation: Developments and green infrastructure, Paul Cutler

11:25Green Infrastructure & the National Planning Policy Framework, Alister Scott   pdf_icon_white.png

11:50Trees in the Planning System, Jeremy Barrell

12:15Natural Capital Planning Tool, Oliver Holzinger

12:40Session One overview – questions, comments, ideas


13:30Capital Asset Valuation of Amenity Trees (CAVAT), Chris Neilan

13:55i-Tree, Kenton Rogers

14:20Ealing i-Tree project, Kate Sheldon & Lizzie Pace

14:45Session Two overview – questions, comments, ideas

14:55Coffee Break

15:10GI-Val, the Mersey Forest's green infrastructure valuation toolkit, Paul Nolan

15:35Urban Green Space Valuation Toolkit, Therese Karger-Lerchl

16:00From Bicester and Beyond – tools for mapping and assessing urban GI, Alison Smith

16:25Session Three overview – questions, comments, ideas

16:35Panel Discussion - Address key questions from the delegates collected during the day

17:15Conference Close


All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.