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Green Blue Infrastructure Impacts on Health and Wellbeing A Rapid Evidence Assessment

04 Aug 2023

Matthew Kirby & Alister Scott

This rapid evidence assessment on Green Blue Infrastructure on Health and Well Being assesses current knowledge in the academic literature concerningthe impacts of Green Blue Infrastructure on people’shealth and wellbeing in the UK, and the implicationstherein for policy and practice and its use in Parliamentary work. Health and wellbeing includephysical health, mental health, and wellbeingwhilst “Green Blue Infrastructure” is a strategicallyplanned multifunctional network of natural andsemi-natural areas and features designed andmanaged to deliver multiple benefits to people.Many green spaces have not been designed andmanaged to deliberately maximise multiple benefits,and so, strictly speaking, do not fit this definition.Nevertheless, they are likely to provide benefits toclimate, health, and biodiversity. This makes GreenBlue Infrastructure of cross-cutting interest forenvironmental, health and planning policy coveringmultiple government departments.


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