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Planning for the future DRAFT Response

11 Aug 2020

This is a DRAFT consultation response to the Planning White Paper 2020 for comments.

My main issue with the White Papaer is that it has predicated a policy response based on inaccurate assessment of the problems facing the planning system. To continue Boris Johnsons building analogy:  they have been building more and more storeys on the planning house since 2010 and it is now in danger of collapse. The new proposals have laid stronger pillars to support the house but have forgotten about the foundations upon which they are situated. This makes the house very vulnerable to collapse. In my view they should have called in the building surveyors much earlier to diagnose the problems. More worrying permitted development allows them to build even more layers...............    

My response uses the questions asked by MHCLG and I would value feedback.



All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.

Many thanks for this excellent piece of writing and for standing up for those of us without good computer access or high degrees of literacy!

By: Susan Chapman at: 15 Oct 2020, 13:52:28